Really enjoying the game so far, but I've encountered an AI infinite loop bug on Oakfield Grove - The Young Usurper
This occurred a couple times during the same attempt. Here's a screencap of the level after the first infinite loop was escaped:
For what it's worth, I'm fairly certain the loop was in the Spider's AI.
Hope this helps!
[Bug] "Warning - AI stuck in infinite loop" (Oakfield Grove)
Moderator: Sir Tawmis
Re: [Bug] "Warning - AI stuck in infinite loop" (Oakfield Grove)
Thank you for the bug report! Could you send your savegames so we could take a closer look? The savegames are located in Documents/Ctrl Alt Ninja/Druidstone. Our email address is: contact (at) ctrlaltninja (dot) com
Re: [Bug] "Warning - AI stuck in infinite loop" (Oakfield Grove)
This bug is now fixed in the latest version.