Bug Reports
Moderator: Sir Tawmis
Bug Reports
It seems if you place two Oghmi next to Oghma and kill one and the explosion kills the second Oghmi, that Ogma suffers 3 x 3 damage instead of the expected 2 x 3. (1.0.25)
Last edited by Quantomas on Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
AI wizard. Tesla's mind.
Re: Bug Reports
The Storm Bow's knock-back causes lightning damage on the target hit. Another target standing behind the target hit, receives physical damage. It would be more logical if knock-back causes physical damage in any case. (1.0.25)
AI wizard. Tesla's mind.
Re: Bug Reports
good to see that effectively there are no bugs in the game, that's quite an achievement
Re: Bug Reports
It looks like I found one, game version 1.0.27. You can close massive doors with a lever over a tile with an enemy standing on it. The enemy will be "inside" the door. You can not target the enemy after that, but he will move out of the door and attack you on its turn. I believe it can be easily reproduced on the mission where you must stop the warden's double from entering the wordstone chamber. This mission has tiny closed room with 2 chests and 2 ogmi balls all tightly packed. Open the door with a lever, use ninja girl's ability to pull ogmi into the doorway, close the door. In this situation the lever should maybe simply be disabled. Hope devs will see this. Great game, by the way
Re: Bug Reports
Bug day today, another one: just got crushed to desktop playing last mission with this error message:
=== Error ===
astar.lua:0: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
stack traceback:
astar.lua: in function 'find_path'
battle.lua: in function <battle.lua:0>
battle.lua: in function 'ai_update'
battle.lua: in function <battle.lua:0>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
main.lua: in function <main.lua:0>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
main.lua: in function 'display'
main.lua: in function <main.lua:0>
Re: Bug Reports
Not the only one...
Crashed during the second stage of the last battle; after the Sorceress/Drider—Demon adopted the defense stance.
Ava was knocked out, she was later revived (with one hitpoint), she then drank a potion... and crash; CTD.
Crashed during the second stage of the last battle; after the Sorceress/Drider—Demon adopted the defense stance.
Ava was knocked out, she was later revived (with one hitpoint), she then drank a potion... and crash; CTD.
Re: Bug Reports
Thanks for the bug reports! Apparently something went wrong with the latest update. We'll get cracking asap...